Social care, companies in Brasa
Svētā Jāņa palīdzība, care at home
The aim of the Care at home service is to ensure the satisfaction of the basic needs of persons at their place of residence who, due to objective circumstances, cannot take care of themselves. The service provides an opportunity for a person to live as independently as possible in their usual environment and to receive social support according to the person's level of functioning abilities
Svētā Jāņa palīdzība, day care center Mazā Saulessvece
We provide the service in the summer period, from 1. june to 31. august, on weekdays from. 9. 00 to 17. 00.
We offer social care and rehabilitation services for children with functional and/or mental disorders, aged 7 to 18.
Saulessvece, day care center for persons with mental disorders
Svētā Jāņa palīdzība, Specializētās darbnīcas
Svētā Jāņa palīdzības, trainig centre Socio
Trainig centre "Socio" ensures the implementation of educational programs for those working in the field of social assistance and health care. Various thematic seminars and conferences are organized.